Brief on society’s activities:

Local engineers founded the society in 1946 to enable engineers, and those closely associated with the trade and profession of engineering, to meet and interchange ideas in their respective subjects connected with the various branches of the engineering profession, and to promote the science and practice of engineering generally amongst its members.
All meetings are held jointly with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.  There is an Annual President’s Coach Trip organised for members, along with their partners and friends, to an engineering heritage railway, canal, airfield or other special engineering event.  Other special works visits are offered to all members as they become available.
A Social Night, with a stimulating presentation on a less technical theme, is held during every November, including a meal for members and friends at Marston’s Social Club.  With lectures, social events and visits taking place, we have a very active enjoyable society.
Membership is open to all interested persons. The annual fee is £20.00. Members pay no admission charge, receive direct information and have priority on activities.
Visitors are very welcome – the visitor’s entry fee to lectures is £3.00.  There is no charge for members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, or members of Lichfield Science and Engineering Society, or Students.
We benefit from free reciprocal arrangements with the Lichfield Science and Engineering Society, these encourage members to attend each other’s meetings, without charge.

Burton Engineering Society meets at 19.00 for 19.30.  Our address is the Burton & South Derbyshire College, Lichfield Street, Burton on Trent DE14 3RL.  The glass entrance, from the street, is opposite the Leopard Inn. The Fleet Street car park, fee £1.40, is at the end of Abbey Street, which runs in between the glass entrance and The Leopard Inn.  The ground floor receptionist welcomes all visitors and will direct you to the smart second floor lecture room, via the lift or the stairs.


Lichfield Science and Engineering Society

Lichfield Science and Engineering Society at the Lichfield Garrick is free to BES members.
Do arrive at 19.30 for 20.00 as there is often limited seating.

Derby Railway Engineering Society

Claymills Victorian Pumping Station

The Rolleston Engineering and Transport Society